关键字: 展会时间:


会议地址:宁波国际会议展览中心 会议时间:2006-05-15--2006-05-17
支持单位/ Supporting Organization: 河南省起重机械行业协会 台湾高雄市起重机协会 无锡市港口起重机械业商会 物料搬运机械工作委员会 全国起重机械标准化技术委员会 『市场背景』 浙江省地处东南沿海长三角经济圈,是国内近期经济最为活跃的地区之一,杭、宁、温更是被美国福布斯评为国内最佳商业城市。宁波位于中国东海之滨,大陆海岸线中段,经济发达的长江三角洲南翼,与国际大都市上海隔杭州湾相望,是浙江省的经济中心,也是中国经济最活跃的地区之一。 宁波具有良好地发展条件和基础,拥有中国四大国际深水中转港之一的北仑港;拥有以服装、纺织、机械等为代表的传统工业和以石化、钢铁、电力、造纸等为代表的临港型大工业体系;拥有国家级经济技术开发区、大榭开发区和按国际惯例运作的保税区;拥有旅居海外64个国家和地区的30多万宁波籍人士及后裔。宁波城市功能完善,环境优美,被联合国评估为中国大陆最具发展前途的城市之一。 宁波迅速的发展,不仅为我省国民经济和社会发展做出了应有贡献,也为长江三角洲地区乃至长江沿岸经济持续、快速、健康发展起到了重要促进作用。随着我国WT0的加入,宁波更加贴切的成为我国与世界各国贸易的窗口,更将为我国起重工业的全面发展起着带领的作用。 『日程安排』 报道:2006年5月13日—14日 布展:2006年5月13日—14日 展览:2006年5月15日—17日 撤展:2006年5月17日 16:00 『宣传推广』 ★拟订在全国多家媒体做宣传广告推广;《起重机械》、《港口装卸》《起重运输机械》、《通用机械》、《船舶机械》、《中国港口》、《交通运输》、《机械制造》、《现代物流周刊》、《冶金机械》、《中国物流与采购》、《慧聪商情》、《东南商报》、《电子商报》、中华机械网、全球机械网、中国机械网、中国工程机械商贸网、中国起重机网、中国起重机械网、中国重机商务网、中国起重运输机械网、中国港口起重机械行业网等报刊;另在国际互联网及地方有实力的媒体上做宣传。 ★我公司将对全国范围内重点公司及用户直接派发邀请函,建立参展商、买家数据库,每月中旬邮寄展商邀请函、买家邀请函、展会资讯等资料,邀请全国各地物流公司、建筑公司、矿山企业、港口码头、造纸、电力、钢铁、汽车公司等及所有相关企业参观采购。另通过各行业协会、学会等组织专业人士到现场参观、指导,交流。 『展品范围』 ■起重机械 各类用途起重机、手动起重机、旋臂起重机、抓斗起重机、单双梁起重机、门式起重机、桥式起重机、防爆起重机、汽车起重机、轻型起重机、塔式起重机、液压起重机、平衡吊、吊运机、叉车、提升机、升降机、液压升降台、 高空作业平台、卷扬机、举吊设备等; ■起重工具 各类千斤顶、起重工具、电动葫芦、气动葫芦、带式葫芦、环链葫芦、手扳葫芦、防爆葫芦、起重电磁铁、永磁起重器、架空索道、钢丝绳、起重链条、滑触线、滑轮、滑车、牵引车、吊索具、起重五金、抓斗、托琨、卸扣、吊篮、吊钩、吊带、圆环链、吸盘、夹钳等; ■起重机械配件 起重机室、起重电机、起重秤重、起重开关、变速箱、变频调速系统、控制片、联轴器、制动器、偶合器、缓冲器、限制器、减速器、除铁器、紧固器 输送带、同步带、电缆卷筒、起重遥控、电动滚筒、配电装置、各类起重机械部件及配件等。 『参展费用』 ※标准展位(3×3=9㎡) 国内独资企业:RMB6800元/个; 合资企业:RMB8000元/个; 国外独资企业:USD1200美元/个。 注:凡双面开口的展位均加收15%元的展位费; 标准展位包括:三面或两面展板,一张桌子,两把椅子, 两盏射灯,地毯,电源插座(220V 500W)一个,企业楣板文字制作以及展馆内卫生。 ※室内光地 (最少起租36平方米) 国内独资企业:RMB680元/平方米;合资企业:RMB800元/平方米;国外独资企业:USD120美元/平方米。 注:光地不带任何展具、电源,参展商自行设计。 特装管理费:RMB10元/平方米。 ☆租用36平方米的展商,可申请免费展会技术交流会一场或会刊彩色广告1P; ☆租用72平方米的展商,可申请免费展会技术交流会一场或会刊彩色广告2P; ※会刊广告 帮助您在展会后找到客户!除在展会期间广为发送外,还通过各种有关渠道发送给未能前来参观展会的各地专业人士,本会刊彩大16开进口钢板纸精印,图文并茂,集中介绍参展企业新技术、新设备,极具收藏价值及宣传作用。 会※刊广告价格: 封面RMB10000元 封底RMB8000元 彩色整版RMB4000元 封二RMB8000元 扉页RMB8000元 黑色整版RMB2000元 封三RMB7000元 彩色跨版RMB5000元 文字简介RMB800元 ※其它广告 请柬/入场券RMB4000元/万张 充气拱门RMB5000元/展期 横/竖条幅 RMB4500元/展期 气球条幅RMB4000元/展期 手袋/资料袋RMB4000元/千 胸卡/吊带广告RMB2000元/千 『技术交流会』 ※展览会期间主办单位将组织多场技术交流会,以开展国际技术、经贸交流,宣传、介绍产品。各单位均可报名申请参加,请自定交流主题,每场限定80分钟收费4000元,并与参展报名表一并传真至组织单位,以便及早安排交流场地和设施,并及早组织专业听众。 『参展须知』 ※凡有意向参展的单位请填好申请表,加盖公章后传真或邮寄至组委会,展位按“先报名,先分配,先付款”的原则安排。会前一个月组委会将发一份《参展手册》以确定展品运输、住宿等事项。申请展位确定后5日内将展位费全款或50%定金汇至组委会,否则,所定展位不能保留。参展申请表一经确认,参展商要求撤消参展申请,非经组委会同意,其参展费用概不退还。不得私自转让展位和展出与展会内容无关的展品,否则取消参展资格。组委会保持展位的最终调整权。 2006Ningbo•International Hoisting Machinery and Accessories Exposition Location :Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center (181, Huizhan Road, Jiangdong District, Ningbo City) Time:May 15-17, 2006 Sponsor: China Heavy Machinery and Industrial Association Supporting Organization: Heinan Hoisting Machinery Guild Taiwan Hoisting Machinery Guild Wuxi Port Hoisting Machinery Commercial Guild Material Handling Council of China National Hoisting Machinery Standardized Technical Committee Organizer: Shanghai Tongyi Exposition Planning Co., Ltd 【Market Background】 Zhejiang province is located in the economic zone of the southeastern costal area as well as the Yangtze River delta, one of the most robust domestic economic zones in recent years, where the cities of Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Wenzhou have been crowned as the best domestic economic cities by the FOX magazine in the U.S.A. Ningbo is situated on the coast of the East China Sea, in the middle of the continental coastline, south of the Yangtze Rive delta, which boasts of its robust economic development. Ningbo is the economic center of Zhejiang province and one of the most active domestic economic zones. It is on the bank of the Hangzhou gulf with Shanghai city on the other side. Ningbo has enjoyed favorable conditions for development, owning Beilun Port, one of the four largest international deep-water seaport hubs, owning such traditional industries as clothing manufacturing, textile, and machinery, as well as the large industrial system represented with petrochemistry, steel, electric power, and paper manufacturing, etc., owning nation-level economic and technological development zone, Daxie Island economic and technological development zone, and the free trade zone regulated according to international practice, and having more than 300,000 emigrants (including their descendents) in 64 foreign countries and areas. With its favorable functions, enjoyable living environment, Ningbo city has been listed by the United Nations as one of the most promising cities in the Mainland China. The rapid development of Ningbo Port not only greatly contributes to Zhejiang province’s economy and social development, but also promotes the continuous, rapid and healthy economic development in the Yangtze River delta as well as the surrounding areas. With China’s entry into WTO, Ningbo will live up to its exact role as a window to China’s trade with foreign countries, and take a lead in the overall development of China’s lifting industry . 【Schedule】 Report: May 13-14, 2006 Exhibition Setting: May 13-14, 2006 Exhibition: May 15-17, 2006 Withdrawing Exhibition: 16:00 May 17, 2006 【Publicizing and Promotion】 ★It is planned that advertisements will be issued through nationwide media, suchasLiftingMachinery(Qizhongjixie),PortLoadingandUnloading(Gangkouzhuangxie),LiftingTransportationMachinery(Qizhongyunshujixie),GeneralMachinery(Tongyongjixie),ShippingMachinery(chuanbojixie),ChinesePorts(zhongguogangkou),TrafficTransportation(Jiaotongyunshu),MachineryManufacturing(jixiezhizao), Modern Logistics Weekly (xiandaiwuliuzhoukan), Metallurgy Machinery (Yejinjixie), Chinese Logistics and Purchase (zhongguowuliuyucaigou), Huicong Market Conditions (Huicong Shangqing), Southeastern Economy, E-commerce, ReferenceNews, www.jx.cn, www.qqma.com, www.21-sun.com, www.machine365.com.cn, www.chinacrane.net, www.chmbnet.com, www.qzysw.com.cn, www.chinalift.net, www.qzjx.com, etc.Besides, the scopeo fpubli cizing and promotional soincludes the worldwide internet as well as some active local media of high quality. ★Our company will deliverin vitation lettersto them aincompanies and consumers in the whole country, set up exhibition agency, and establish consumer database, send invitation letters to the exhibitors, consumers and exhibition information, etc, in every middle ten days of a month. We will also invite the logistics companies,construction companies,mining ompanies, ports, paper manufacturers, steel companies, and car-manufacturers to visit the exhibition for trade. Besides, we will invite the professionals from professional and academic associations to visit the exhibition, give suggestions and exchange ideas. 【Range of Exhibits】 Lifting Machinery All types of cranes, manual crane, rotatable crane, bucket crane, single double girder crane, gantry crane , cantilever crane, explosion protection crane, truck crane, light0duty crane, tower crane, hydraulic crane, balance hoist, swing hoist, fork-lift truck, elevator, hydraulic elevator platform, aloft work platform, hoist engine, lifting or hanging equipment, etc. Lifting Tools All types of lifting jacks, hoister, electric hoister, air hoister, draper hoister, calibrated chain hoister, lever block, explosion protection hoister, lifting electromagnet, permanent magnetic hoister, cableway, wire rope, lifter chain, trolley line, pulley, sheave, tractor, sling, hoisting hardware, bucket grab, supporting roller, shackle, nacelle, crane hook, suspension band, toroidal chain, suction cup, clamp, etc. Lifting Machinery Parts Hoister cabinet, lifting dynamo, lifting weighing, crane switch, gearbox, frequency control system, control strip, junction box, arrester, coupling, buffer, limiter, reducer, deferrizer, tighter conveyer belt, synchronous belt, cable drum, lifting remote control, electric revolver, power distribution unit, and every type of lifting machinery parts and fittings. 【Exhibition Expense】 ★Standard exhibition sites (3×3=9㎡) sole-investorenterprise:RMB6800yuan each; Joint Venture:RMB8000yuan each; Solely foreign-owned enterprise: USD1200$ each。 Note:With all the exhibition sites that are open-ended on both sides, a 15% will be added to the total exhibition fee; The standard exhibition sites include: two or three exhibition board, one desk, two chairs, two shooting lamps, carpet, a supply socket(220V 500W),making of words on the enterprise lintel board and sanitation of the exhibition hall. ★ Indoor exhibition sites (least renting: 36 square meters) Domestic sole-investor enterprise:RMB680yuan/square meter;Joint Venture:RMB800yuan/square meter;Solely foreign-owned enterprise:USD120$/square meter. Note:There are not any exhibition facilities, power supply in the exhibition sites,exhibitors should plan on their own. Management fee for special decorations:RMB10yuan/square meter ☆ For exhibitors who rent a exhibition site of 36 square meters, free access will be offered to one conference on exhibition techniques or 1 page of color advertising on the proceedings of the conference; ☆ For exhibitors who rent a exhibition site of 72 square meters, free access will be offered to one conference on exhibition techniques or 2 pages of color advertising on the proceedings of the conference; ★Advertisement on the proceedings of the conference It can help contact you clients after the exhibition! In addition to the wide spread during the exhibition, we will arrange, through relevant channels, to deliver it to the professionals in all quarters that don’t come to the exhibition. The proceedings take use of large (16mo) imported art printing paper and are finely printed. The proceedings are excellent in both pictures and texts. It focuses on the introduction about the new technology and new equipment of the exhibitors, which is of great collection value and plays a very important role in advertisement. Charge for proceedings of the conference: Cover:RMB10000yuan Backcover:RMB8000yuan Colored full page RMB4000yuan Inside front cover: RMB8000yuan Head page:RMB8000yuan Black full page: RMB2000yuan Inside back cover: RMB7000yuan Colored trans-page: RMB5000yuan Written prospectus: RMB800yuan ★Other advertisement Invitation / admission tickets: RMB4000yuan/10 thousand sheets Aerated arch: RMB5000yuan / exhibition period Horizontal /vertical banners RMB4500yuan/exhibition period Balloon banner: RMB4000yuan / exhibition period Handbag/document bag:RMB4000yuan /thousand Chest placard / suspenders ads :RMB2000yuan/thousand 【Technique exchange conference】 ★During the exhibition conference, we will organize many technique exchange conferences, so as to promote international exchange on technique, economy and trade, to advertise and introduce products. All enterprises are welcome to join the exhibition conference. To join the conference, please decide on your own topics. Each conference is limited to 80mins and the charge of which will be RMB 4000yuan. Please fax your topic together with the register form to the organizing committee, so we can arrange the conference sites and facilities and organize the audience as soon as possible. 【Instructions for the exhibition】 ★For the enterprises want to join the exhibition, please fill in the application form and chop the official seal, then fax or mail it to the organizing committee. The exhibition sites will be arranged according to rule “those who register first will get their exhibition sites first and make payment first”. One month before the exhibition, the committee will hand out an Exhibition Booklet to confirm the transportation of exhibits, accommodations, etc. Within 5 days after the exhibition sites are confirmed, exhibitors should remit to the committee the full or 50% of the expense for the exhibition sites, otherwise, the exhibition sites will not be reserved. Once the application form is confirmed, if the exhibitors want to withdraw their application, the charge will not be refunded unless they have permission from the committee. Without permission, exhibitors should not convey their exhibition sites and display products irrelevant to the exhibition conference. Those who break the rules will be deprived of the qualification for the exhibition. The organizing committee reserves the rights for the ultimate adjustment in exhibition sites. 【Contact the Organizing Committee 】 Shanghai Tongyi Exposition Planning Co., Ltd Address:507, NO.7, 895 Alleys, Zhongshan East Road, Jiangdong District, Ningbo City Zhejiang Province Zip Code:315040 Tel:+86-574-87815763 87815636   Fax:+86-574-87815636 E-mail:tongyish@163.com Contactor:Wang Xiang

  • 〖主办单位〗中国重型机械工业协会
  • 〖协办单位〗上海彤轶展览策划有限公司
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  • 〖联系地址〗浙江省宁波市江东区中山东路895弄7号507室
  • 〖联系邮编〗315040
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