主营产品: 公司名称:

荆州市天工机械制造有限公司 (Jingzhou Tian Gong mechanical machinery Ltd.)

地 址: 中国 湖北 荆州 东方大道99号
联系人: 天工制造
邮 编: 434000
电 话: 0716-8303018
传 真: 0716-8303018
邮 箱: marketing@tgzz.net.cn
网 址: http://www.tgzz.net.cn
主营项目: A.1.阀板(钢件)-冰箱压缩机;2.阀板(钢件)-空调压缩机;3.阀板(钢件)-空压机;4.阀板(钢件)-制冷压缩机;B.精密机械零部件加工;C.冲压件加工;D.标准件加工;E.非标准件加工;F.金属制品研磨,抛光;G.玻璃制品研磨,抛光;
公司简介: 企业宗旨 Mission Statement 荆州市天工机械制造有限公司是一个家用电器零部件制造企业。通过充分发挥成员和职员们的才能,我们把自身目标定位于成为一个被广泛认可的零部件制造企业。我们向客户提供高质量和性价比的产品及优良的服务。我们大规模制造标准件,同时也可根据客户各种不同的要求加工其它机械工业金属产品。带着对人类精神的尊敬,我们团结合作协调一致的工作,并且在工作中共同分享快乐,付出和收获,营造一个愉快的工作环境。荆州天工机械制造有限公司用德国汽车工业联合会的质量管理体系来衡量我们的产品和品牌“天工”,“布雷琳斯”“Brilliance”。我们致力于不断的成长和发展我们的员工和企业,共同创造价值和财富。 Jingzhou Tian Gong mechanical machinery Ltd. is a manufacturer for components of home appliances. By using all of our members and employees’ talent, we aim to be widely recognized for manufacturing components. Providing low cost high quality products to our customers, as well as delivering excellent services. Manufacture both standard and custom metal products for various applications in machinery and mechanical appliance industry. Working in harmony and with respect human spirit, we share enjoy, seeding,and harvest in working environment.Jingzhou Tian Gong mechanical machinery Ltd. using Gemany VDA:(VBRBAND DER AUTOBOMIL INDUSTRIE) to qualify our products and brands "Tian Gong", "Bu Lei Lin Si", "Brilliance" etc. We are dedicated to the continuous growth and development of our people and business. Working together to create values and wealth.