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地 址: 霸州市112国道南侧市车管所西侧
联系人: 梁冬梅
邮 编: 065700
电 话: 15931465659
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邮 箱: marys0108@163.com
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主营项目: 汽车空调离合器
公司简介: 霸州市鑫佳汽车空调零部件有限公司简 介 霸州市鑫佳汽车空调零部件有限公司是生产汽车空调电磁离合器、张紧轮的专业企业。 公司座落于河北省霸州市,位于112国道、106国道、津保高速的枢纽地带,距北京90公里、天津76公里、保定65公里,在100公里范围内,有北京机场、天津机场、天津港,交通十分便利。 公司占地22亩,办公及厂房面积8000平方米,拥有先进的专业生产线及完善的试验检测设备,一期工程,年生产能力50万套,通过了ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,是省级高新技术企业。 公司拥有雄厚的产品研发能力,自主开发了200余种产品。主要有涡旋式压缩机、V5压缩机、三电压缩机、电装压缩机、福特压缩机等系列离合器以及各车型空调张紧轮、曲轴皮带轮等产品,为国内各车型配套并出口到欧美、东南亚10余个国家和地区。 公司奉行“以人为本”的企业宗旨,塑造高素质的员工队伍,按照“高技术、大批量、专业化、优质量”组织生产,大力推行精益生产方式,以“百分之百满足顾客需求”作为质量方针,以“零缺陷”作为质量目标,持续改进,竭诚为用户提供最高性价比的产品。 公司愿与国内外朋友真诚合作,共创美好未来。 Bazhoushi Xinjia Automobile Air Conditioning Parts Co.Ltd. Brief Introduction Bazhou Xinjia Automobile Air Conditioning Parts Co.,Ltd is specialized in electromagnetic clutch for automobile Air Conditioner. The company is located at Bazhou city with convenient transportation. It is at the transportation hinge zone, by which the Jingbao Freeway, state-road #112 and #106 passing. It is 90 km to Beijing and 76 km to Tianjin . Beijing airport, Tianjin air port and Tianjin sea port all in the diameter of 100 Km. The company has advanced production line and testing equipments, the annual producing ability is at 500,000 sets of electromagnetic clutches. Company also certificated by ISO9001: 2000 Quality System,and State High-Tech enterprise. The company has strong ability of design, development and production. Over 200 kinds of products has been developed by himself,such as electromagnetic clutch for scroll compressor,V5 compressor,SD compressor,DENSO compressor,FORD compressor,and various tensioner for car.These products are supplying to compressor manufactures, and exporting to overseas market. The company, guideline the principle of "human-oriented”, creating high level team. According to the requirement of “ High-tech, Quantity, Specialization, Quality” to arrange production and 100% satisfied customers by implementing the quality policy of zero defect , continuing improvement. Hopes to cooperate with friends in domestic and abroad, to create world class clutch manufacturing and exportation base together. 地址:霸州市112国道南侧市车管所西侧 Add : 112 Road Bazhou Hebei China 电话 Tel :0316-7332138 传真 Fax :0316-7336505 邮编 Zip :065700 信箱Email :Lgeng@vip.sohu.com 网址 Http:www.bazhouxinjia.com/www1.bazhouxinjia.com